Wrist Conditions
The wrist is a complex joint that consists of multiple bones and joints. Many ligaments are connected to these bones which enables us to use our hands with full strength and scope of motion.
When a person suffers from a wrist injury, receiving the right treatment at the right time is very important. Wrist arthroscopy is a wrist surgery that lets a doctor see the core of a joint. It is performed when a patient sustains an injury like a fall or a twisting of the wrist and experiences pain, clicks, or swelling in the wrist. Dr. Prashanth S. is a Wrist Arthroscopy Surgeon in Pune. His special interest includes Hand trauma, Wrist & Small Joint Arthroscopy, Microvascular Reconstructive Surgery. Dr. Prashanth also holds a Diploma in Wrist Surgery. He uses the most innovative, minimally invasive techniques to decrease the pain and recovery time of patients undergoing treatment of both common and complex wrist conditions.
Symptoms like wrist pain, clicks, or swelling in the wrist may indicate there is an internal problem with the wrist. Wrist Arthroscopy Surgery is often the best way to directly look at the injury and repair it. This procedure can be used to help align the fractures of the wrist, remove some cyst from the wrist, clean out the infection, or remove excess joint lining allied with inflammation from conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. In recent years wrist has become the most common joint to undergo wrist arthroscopy surgery after knee and shoulder. As the cuts in this procedure are minimally invasive and damage less soft tissues compared to typical surgery and healing time is often fast. This surgery has to be performed under an expert and experienced wrist arthroscopy surgeon in Pune.

Wrist Conditions
Wrist trauma
- Complex wrist Fractures and dislocations
- Scaphoid and carpal bone fractures
- Tendon injuries( Spaghetti wrist)
- Neurovascular injuries
Wrist sprains ( Ligament injury)
- TFCC (Traingular Fibrocartilage complex) injuries
- SL ( Scapholunate ) ligament injuries
- Carpal instabilities
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Keinbock's Disease
Wrist arthritis & Deformities
Repetitive stress injuries.
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.(CRPS)
DeQuervain's tenosynovitis
Wrist ganglion and tumors
Wrist Treatment
- Fracture fixation surgeries
- Tendon repair/Tendon transfer/Reconstruction
- Micro surgical neuro vascular repair/Reconstruction
- Wrist Arthroscopy and TFCC ligament repair
- Mid carpal arthroscopy and SL/UT ligament repair
- Open Carpal tunnel release
- Arthroscopic assisted carpal tunnel release
- Mid carpal fusion-Open/Arthroscopic
- Local,distant fasciocutaneous flaps
- Free microvascular tissue transfers
- Local injections/Medications
- Tenosynevectomy
- Arthroscopic/open excision of wrist ganglion.